Child Emergency Accidents

Emergency dental care for kids require prompt and fast action. After all, dental accidents may lead to loss of blood and tooth. In addition, the pain might become unbearable for children.

What to do if your child knocks out his/her tooth?

While running and playing, a sudden impact might knock out your child’s permanent tooth. If this accident occurs, it’s recommended to pick up the tooth and place it back in your child’s mouth. This is to maintain moisture and prevent damage to the root.


The dentist may then put the tooth back in place. Even when the tooth looks damaged or chipped, the dentist will decide if it still can be saved and put back again.


It’s also a similar case with baby tooth when knocked out. The dentist will consider several factors such as child’s age and the present condition of the tooth whether to replant it or not. Whichever is the case, it’s crucial to take your child to the dentist as soon as possible.

Here’s how to stop the bleeding and prepare for future emergencies

You can somehow temporarily stop the bleeding by applying pressure on it (similar to most wounds). Initially, you might need to clean the wound to prevent infection. Take note that going to the dentist and travel might take some time.


To improve your preparation for such dental emergency accidents, it’s recommended to have a dental first aid kit which usually has the following:


  • Gauze
  • Mouthwash
  • Cold compress
  • Tooth pain reliever

Remember that your child will continue running and playing even after experiencing a severe toothache and dental accident. That’s why having a dental first aid kit is very handy for addressing the concern immediately.

How to prevent accidents and limit injuries

We can never stop our kids from playing and running. Good news is you can still implement precautions to avoid accidents and injuries:


  • Ensure your child wears a mouthguard during sports or recreational activities
  • Identify and reduce trip hazards in your home (e.g. block stairways from very young children)
  • Go to the dentist every 6 months with your child (this will ensure your child’s teeth are healthy and strong, less prone to knockout and damage)

Choosing a child-friendly dentist

Children are prone to anxiety and stress especially during the early years. Any unfamiliar or discomforting situation might make the kids crying or unsettling all the time.


That’s why it’s recommended to choose a child-friendly dentist. This way, the overall treatment will be easier and smoother for both your child and you as the parent. The overall experience will also be less stressful for your kid.


You might also need to accompany your child while he or she is undergoing a procedure (e.g. tooth extraction). This is to keep your young son or daughter calm during the treatment.


The dentist might also recommend a mouthguard to reduce injuries during vigorous activities such as running. The dentist may also formulate a dental hygiene plan to keep your child’s teeth strong and healthy.